Careful use of the library is invited by compatible
- Contact: INNATE, 16 Ravensdene Park,
Belfast BT6 ODA. Phone/Fax: Belfast/01232 - 647106. Or Email
- This listing is correct to June 1999.
- See separate conditions of use, given at
the end of the classification below.
- Please note classifications are sometimes
quite arbitrary!
- The first three letters are used in capitals
for ease of identification of the box files.
- Some files may be subdivided internally
(indicated by CAPITALS; a number after the major heading
indicates a separate box file)
A compilation of cartoons, drawings, printed
photos and other graphics and information held in box files
and classified into fifty major headings:
AFRica - 1) South Africa and
2) General including Zimbabwe, Nigeria, (Total 2 files)
ANImals - including cartoons,
fantasy, cruelty to, liberation of [see also FOOd]
ART/CULture - classical and
contemporary, general and worldwide
ASIa - 1) General including
Japan, India, Korea, Australasia, Philippines, EAST TIMOR,
BURMA 2) China, Tibet (Total 2 files)
BRItain - including England,
cuts in British social services, poverty in UK
CELtica - and other Euro minorities,
including Scotland and Wales
CIVil liberties/human rights -
including prison, the law, Amnesty International, refugees
[see also MEDia for censorship]
COMmunity action - including
planning, action on poverty
DAWn files - used and unused
artwork from 'Dawn' magazine (1974-85)
DISability - disability and
issues affecting elderly people
ECOnomics and industry - including
multinationals, workers, unemployment [see also TEChnology]
EDUcation - at all levels,
including adult
ENErgy/ENVironment - including
fossil fuels, alternatives, ecology, pollution, climatic change
[see also TEChnology] (2 files)
EURope East - including Russia/USSR,
Romania, Czecho/Slovakia, Baltic, [see also Ex-YUGoslavia]
EURope West - including EU,
NATO/military and specific countries (Germany, France etc)
FOOd - including farming, animals
in farming, drink, genetically modified [see also MEDicine
re alcohol]
GENeral artwork - cartoons,
graphics not otherwise classified (3 files)
IREland Arts - including literature,
theatre, music, art, culture, language
IREland General - not otherwise
IREland Historical - pre-1960,
including The Great Famine (2 files)
IREland Party Political - including
some issues, party leaflets/manifestos
IREland 'Troubles' - violence,
in the North, also in the Republic (3 files)
LOGos - and headlines, including
peace, voluntary and pressure group logos
MEDia - of all kinds, printed
and electronic, and censorship, communications
MEDicine and health - including
drugs, alcohol, tobacco
MEN - including homosexuality,
MIDdle East - including Egypt,
Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq
MINd - including psychiatry,
psychology, 'mental illness', paranormal, meditation, etc.
NONviolence - and nonviolent
action, peace, MEDIATION, GANDHI, LEN MUNNIK cartoons [See
also LOGos] (3 files)
NORth America - USA and Canada
NUClear Bomb and Power, including
Irish 1970s anti-nuclear and 1980s anti-bomb movements (2
PHOtography - historical and
contemporary, not otherwise classified
POLitics general - non-Irish,
general including Marxism, anarchism, class [see also RACism]
RACism - including Nazism,
fascism, World War II and Hitler
RELigion - 1) General Christian
(2 files) 2) Ireland 3) General and Inter-Faith (Total 4 files)
SCIence Fiction - including
superpersons, UFOs
SOUth and Central America -
including Nicaragua, US involvement in, Cuba , Chile [see
also NORth America]
TEChnology and Science - including
computers, the universe [see also ENErgy, ECOnomics]
THIrd World - general and not
otherwise categorised, including fair trade (3 files)
TRAnsportation - car, bus,
train, plane, bicycle, feet, ship etc
VIOlence - including war, disarmament,
landmines, war toys, violence in society (3 files)
WOMen - including liberation,
sexism, abortion, lesbianism, sexuality (2 files) [See also
YOUng People]
WORld General - including reviews
of world politics, United Nations, Olympics, tourism etc
Ex-YUGoslavia - including Serbia,
YOUng people and children [see
also WOMen for children with women]
INNATE wishes to make the Graphics Library available to compatible
community, voluntary and political groups who are looking
for graphics, cartoons and illustrations. The service is free
within Ireland unless postage or other charges are agreed
beforehand. Outside Ireland we may be able to help compatible
peace, nonviolence and social change groups only. Please note
that the library only operates with hard, paper copies (we
do not have the facility to transmit images electronically).
- Phone up or write a note as to what you require.
It takes us many hours cutting and classifying material
so it is easiest if you can arrange to call to look through
the appropriate files. In certain cases it may be possible
for you to borrow a whole file or to request a particular
graphic; we would prefer to do this only for groups not
within reach of Belfast.
- Care should be taken with the graphics borrowed,
e.g. not to crease them, spill coffee over them etc! They
should be returned as soon as possible. You are responsible
for copying them. You are also responsible for sorting out
any copyright obligations.
- If material is lost or damaged - as has
happened very occasionally - we would expect financial compensation
to buy some other material to add to the library. Similarly
we would expect compensation if there is undue delay in
returning material.
- Please supply INNATE with a copy of any
printed material using material from the Graphics Library.
- Additional graphics to put into the library
would be appreciated, even in the shape of old magazines
that might be worth cutting up for their cartoons and illustrations.
If you would like to help running this
service - or might be interested in any other aspect of INNATE's
work - please get in touch.