Category Archives: Latest News

Ramin Jahanbegloo webinar on nonviolence and democracy

Canadian-Iranian political philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo was in Northern Ireland in November 2024 and provided programme for Conflict Textiles, Ulster University Hume O’Neill Chair in Peace, and INNATE.

He spoke at an INNATE webinar on Nonviolence and Democracy Building on 28th November 2024. This was recorded and the video is available at     

The photo of Ramin Jahanbegloo below was taken in the Ulster University, Belfast, video suite at the start of the webinar

There is also a photo of Ramin Jahanbegloo at when he was speaking on Nonviolence and Empowerment the same afternoon.

Building bridges, bridging gaps

This pamphlet by Belfast woman Laura Coulter reflects on her long and varied career in peacebuilding in Northern Ireland. Click on to download this 14 page pamphlet.

A variety of other pamphlets and broadsheets are available on the INNATE website at

Corrymeela Christmas Open Day – now on Saturday 30th November

Please note Corrymeela’s Christmas open day at Ballycastle with Santa, refreshments, crafts, story time, movies, and stalls will now take place on Saturday 30th November from 1 –  4pm and not the following day as previously advertised (and as mentioned previously in  Nonviolent News). Admission free.

Video of Lex Innocentium 21st Century launch

An excellent 17 minute video of the proceedings in Birr and Lorrha (on International Day of Peace 2024) marking the launch of Lex Innocentium 21st Century, a law on war for our times including protection for the earth, can be seen at

The general website of the project is at

Posters on Israel and Palestine

Four simple mini posters on Israel and Palestine in the context of the war in Gaza have been added to the INNATE poster section at with the first at   These are just a few of nearly 120 A4 size posters designed for home printing which are available free on peace, nonviolence, green and human rights issues.

Posters on Triple Lock

The ‘Triple Lock’ on deployment of Irish soldiers overseas is a key feature of Irish neutrality – and a key restraint on them being committed to involvement in fighting wars as opposed to peacekeeping.  Two new downloadable, printable (A4) mini-posters are available from INNATE on the Triple Lock and the attempt by the Minister for Foreign Affairs to get rid of them – whatever people want.  See  and     December 2023